Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Bouncer ESP

For the record dibs are binding and have no expiration. Also, I am quite disappointed that Michael Jackson didn't pop up from the coffin into choreography for a Thriller performance and punk the whole world.

Contrary to popular belief sometimes the doorstaff feels bad about having to deny people entry. There are genuinely nice people lost in the crowd of douchebags. One thing I hate personally is rejecting someone after they went and changed or bought something new. But thanks to a customer I care no more.

A guy comes up at around 6PM with an Oakland Raiders jersey on. I tell him that we don't allow out of season jerseys. If he could get a different shirt he would be good to come in. He turns around and leaves. I didn't think about him again until 10PM. He comes back in a drastically oversized collared shirt. I felt like an asshole telling him he was yet again non-compliant with the dress code. Then he accused me with quite possibly the most tremendous line ever:

"Man! How come you didn't tell me this shirt was going to be too big before I bought it?"

I assured him that as a doorman I had no psychic links with local clothing retailers and was therefore unable to warn him against his Blac Label 3XLT selection. As he left with the usual string of half-whispered insults I looked around to make sure everyone else working near the door heard it. If you are turned around for dress code I will tell you everything you have wrong and try and guide you on what to do to fix it. However, this only furthers my interest in a bar t-shirt operation at the front door.

Drink responsibly and be safe,
-Polite Bouncer

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